We are not a very traditional couple and we want to get as much time on the dance floor as possible, so we are choosing to forgo a few traditions, including the bouquet and garter tosses. So I won’t need a toss bouquet… does that also mean I won’t need a garter? Part of me is fine with that—hey it’s one less thing to worry about (and make/purchase). But another part of me is like this:

There is something so romantic, bridal, and sexy about a garter and it would be really fun knowing it was there under my wedding gown. Yet if we aren’t doing the whole garter toss thing, I’m not sure it makes sense for me to wear one. Plus I have this irrational fear of having the garter fall down while I’m dancing, getting caught on my foot, causing me to trip head first into the dessert table while simultaneously ripping my dress in half and flashing everyone. Am I the only one who has outlandish wedding fears like that, because I have a bunch—and about half of them involve me accidentally flashing our wedding guests...
I am still considering a garter, but maybe I should just save it for the wedding night. There’s a chance I might try to whip something up on my sewing machine, but I’m also eyeing these beauties on Etsy:

Are you wearing a garter? Will you be tossing it?
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